“The theorem of Jacobsen and \(\rho\)-stable homotopy modules” in Motives Seminar (Essen) “Motivic and real étale stable homotopy theory”, 26.11.2024, link
“Abstract class field theory” in Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie “Local class field theory”, 15.11.2024, link
“The connection (Milnor’s conjectures)” part of a three part mini-course “Quadratic forms and Galois cohomology” at GRK retreat, 12.09.2024, link, slides
“A cellular (co)homology computation for \(\bar{M}_{0,n}\)” in Research program seminar, at PCMI/IAS 2024 Motivic homotopy theory (Park City, Utah, USA), 18.07.2024
“A weakly-cellular Whitehead tower and consequences” in Motives Seminar (Essen) “The motivic Freudenthal suspension theorem, following Asok, Bachmann and Hopkins”, 04.06.2024, link
“Quadratically refined intersection theory on \(\bar{M}_{0,n}\)” in Seminar on nonlinear algebra (MPI Leipzig), 04.04.2024, link
“The second proof” in Oberseminar Algebraic Geometry “Irreducibility of the space of curves”, 22.01.2024, link
“The motivic Euler characteristic and transfer maps” in Motives Seminar (Essen) “An arithmetic Yau-Zaslow formula: K_0(Var_k), GW(k) and quadratic GW invariants”, 09.01.2024, link
“Fibre bundles” (stand-in) in GRK Workshop “Characteristic classes”, 02.11.2023, link
“Chow rings” at European autumn school in topology 2023 (EAST 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands), 18.09.2023, link
“Why triangles? (Because 4 is even)” in GRK non-professor meeting (Gongshow), 13.07.2023, link
“Setting up” in GRK Workshop “Modular curves”, 15.06.2023, link
“Comparison with unstable homotopy groups” at Talbot 2023 “Computations in stable motivic homotopy theory” (McGrath, MN, USA), 09.06.2023, link
“Quadratic intersection theory on moduli spaces” in Advanced group theory seminar “What are you working on?”, 23.05.2023, link
“The Alexander polynomial” in Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie “Knot theory and quandles”, 12.05.2023, link
“Bounded t-structures and tilting” in Oberseminar Algebraic Geometry “Bridgeland stability conditions”, 08.05.2023, link
“Motivic Eilenberg-MacLane spaces and cohomology operations” in Motives Seminar (Essen) “Motivic Steenrod operations”, 18.04.2023, link
“Chow-Witt rings of Grassmanians, III: Geometric interpretation of oriented intersection multiplicities” in Motives Seminar (Essen) “Quadratic intersection theory and characteristic classes”, 13.12.2022, link
“Computing the topological fundamental group” in GRK Workshop “Toric varieties”, 10.11.2022, link
“Global aspects” in Oberseminar Algebraic Geometry “Elliptic surfaces”, 31.10.2022, link
“Buildings” in GRK Workshop “Buildings”, 02.06.2022, link
“Bittner’s presentation” in Oberseminar Algebraic Geometry “Motivic integration”, 23.05.2022, link
“A bit Chow-Witt and quadratically refined enumerative geometry” in GRK non-professor meeting, 14.04.2022, link
“Kan extensions, descent theory and localization of \(\infty\) - categories” in Motives Seminar (Essen) “Motivic homotopy theory of algebraic stacks”, 30.11.2021, link
“Grassmannians” in GRK Workshop “Schubert calculus”, 18.11.2021, link